What can you let go of?
Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash
Something I've been working on is letting go. Letting go of the things that no longer feel good or foster growth. Reflecting on who I am now and understanding what nourishes my soul helps me make decisions that are aligned with my values.
This means learning to say no and being more boundaried to ensure I'm meeting my needs and giving to others in a way that energises rather than depletes me.
This means knowing the difference between feelings that are mine and feelings that belong to others, and not taking on what isn't mine.
This means accepting that which I can not change, but finding growth in radical acceptance in letting go and trusting things are as they're meant to be.
When I let go of the things I no longer need, I make space for joy and new experiences that are aligned with my values and foster growth.
So, what can you let go of today? ✨