We are in a grief process


“We are in a grief process. A world grieving for what we had and we didn’t know we had it.” - David Kessler

Image thanks to Milada Vigerova via unsplash.

As we continue to move through the pandemic, we are all grieving, although it can be tough to define exactly what we’re feeling and grieving. You may feel powerless and that your situation is out of your control. You may feel unsafe within yourself. Or shift between feelings of hope and despair. Or a feeling of melancholy that doesn’t make sense. Or extreme fatigue and lack of motivation. These are all signs of grieving.

To help heal this grief, know that others are feeling this heaviness too and you are not alone. Know that whatever you are feeling is ok - you are allowed to feel whatever you feel. And expressing your grief is the best thing you can do - a good cry and moving your body can help move the grief through you and out. Try hugging a pillow and taking deep breathes, feeling your breath moving in and out - breathe in, breathe out, hug, repeat.

Stay connected with family and friends online if you can’t see them in person. Reach out to a counsellor or therapist if you need support from someone who can hold everything you bring to therapy, so you have room to feel and explore what’s happening within.

Go slow. Go easy. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you grieve, and know the world is grieving with you. 


How are you talking to yourself today?


"Food is sustenance, but a good hug is life itself”